Services and Prices

Getting the guidance, advice, motivation and coaching from Winter Park Personal Trainer Jean-Sebastien Fabre and his team is the best and fastest way to turn your resolutions into measurable success!

What do you absolutely need to know
before hiring a Personal Trainer in Winter Park / Maitland?

When choosing a qualified personal trainer in Maitland / Winter Park there are several criteria you should insist upon if you are trusting them with your future health and fitness. Quality trainers need to first assess your current fitness level to determine what exercises and activities are appropriate, create goals that are both realistic and challenging and offer motivational and procedural help so you can stick to the plan and achieve beneficial results.


Ideally, the personal trainer should focus on both exercise and building a nutritionally sound way of eating that suits your way of life and personal tastes.


Before you choose a personal trainer in Maitland / Winter Park to work with, do some research and read reviews of former or current clients. It is also important to meet with them before paying to make sure your personalities are compatible and that you will feel comfortable working with them long-term.

1. Certification

Personal fitness trainers who work in Florida are not required by law to have any certification. However, these certifications do carry weight and can make you feel more comfortable about their skill level and professionalism. Before you hire a trainer, ask if they are certified in any way, but realize that some the certification systems carry more weight than others. NOCA and NCCA are attempting to create viable credentialing and industry standards:

NOCA (National Organization for Competency Assurance), which is the most prominent, has been certifying many types of allied health professionals since 1987 through National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). The NCCA Web site states:

NCCA uses a peer reviewed process to: establish accreditation standards; evaluate compliance with the standards; recognize organizations/programs which demonstrate compliance; and serve as a resource on quality certification. Certification organizations that submit their programs for accreditation are evaluated based on the process and products, not the content, and are therefore applicable to all professions and industries.

The best organizations who assess personal trainers have NCCA accreditation. This process, which only 10 fitness organizations have achieved thus far, is an expensive and tedious process. This may put off some newer personal trainers and fitness certification programs, but it is truly the gold standard to earning respect and status in the fitness industry. They maintain educational and test material that covers the most up to date information about fitness, so you know any program that has passed their rigorous tests has the knowledge and practice to do what is right for you. So check your trainer’s standard personal fitness certification and additional certifications to ensure that they are from one or more of the following:

  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
  • American Council on Exercise (ACE)
  • Cooper Institute (formerly known as Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research)
  • International Fitness Professionals Association (IFPA)
  • National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
  • National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF)
  • National Exercise and Strength Trainer’s Association (NESTA)
  • National Exercise Trainer’s Association (NETA)
  • National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT)
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

2. Expectations

When you first meet with a personal trainer, the process should be very similar from one to the other. Succinctly, a new trainer must ask questions about your existing health problems, your history and goals and what type of exercises you prefer. They will probably ask you to fill out a series of forms so this information can be recorded.


A Health History Form will outline any health complaints, disorders or diseases that you have had or are currently suffering from. Family history may also be included so they can get an idea about your risk factors. Always fill out this form honestly and completely to minimize risk of injury or health problems.


The Physical Activity Readiness (PAR-Q) Form helps the physical trainer determine whether doctor approval is necessary before beginning any exercise regimen.


Law requires every personal trainer to have their clients fill out an Informed Consent Form. This former should clearly identify potential risks and benefits of beginning an exercise program. It states that the client accepts these risks and accepts that they may be exposed to physical, psychological or other types of harm. Always read this carefully as it may include clauses about liability.

Jean-Sebastien Fabre, owner

3. Warnings

As stated above, one a red flag or warning against a particular personal trainer is lack of any type of certification, which signifies that he or she will follow a professional ethics code. However, there are other things you should be leery of and should, perhaps, lead you to hire a different personal trainer.


  • First meetings should not include any actual workouts. Exercise sessions usually last 1/2 hour to a whole hour. Initial meetings should be reserved for paperwork, questions and figuring out the right way to move ahead.
  • Trainers should be eager to display or talk about their credentials, references or testimonials from other clients and their history in the field. They should also be able to furnish you with information about their liability insurance. If they cannot do either of these things, it should be a very large red flag that they are not professional.
  • Quality trainers keep up to date with the latest developments in fitness and health science and should be able to adapt their regimens and ideas to suit individuals. If he or she insists that one in particular style of training is the only way to achieve maximum results for every client, you can be assured they are not prepared to work with you and your preferences and ideas. Ideally, they should take classes and study reports from the American Medical Association, Physician and Sports Medicine and the Journal of Sports Medicine among other professional publications to increase and improve upon their knowledge.
  • Current CPR and first aid certifications can go a long way to making the personal trainer more attractive to clients. In the fitness industry were injury and body stress is possible, being certified by the Red Cross or American Heart Association is a good idea.
  • Perhaps most importantly, once you check all necessary legal certifications and practices, is the shape of the personal trainer themselves. Do they practice what they preach? If they have not achieved health and attractive results in their own body, they may lack the knowledge or motivational skills to help you achieve your own goals.

What to expect from Personal Training with Darwin Fitness in Maitland, Florida

The answer to this question can take various forms; as anybody will understand, needs vary dramatically from one individual to an other.  The point is not to overview here specific situations which can and have to be treated with specific means. So let’s forget about the 2 extremities of the spectrum  (an illustration of the bottom and the top of the scale could be from morbid and invalidating obesity to top pro athlete condition) to focus on the typical case. Most of the people we see on a daily routine with my team have sedentary jobs, work long hours, don’t pay enough attention to their diet. They are, in consequence, more or less deconditioned. They have a sincere need for a better lifestyle, want to improve their health, feel and look better.  


Through the assessment we meticulously conduct with each potential new client we make sure to take the most detailed portrait of their present condition. Our check-list includes the 10 components of Fitness:


  • Body Composition
  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Power
  • Anaerobic Endurance
  • Aerobic Endurance
  • Agility
  • Balance
  • Coordination
  • Flexibility

One or a few of those parameters are subject to a specific consideration, according to the individual needs and personal goals. However, it is important to insist on the fact that those 10 components form links in a chain of functionality. There are many interconnections and weak links have to be fixed to maximize results. Let’s say you want to improve your Body Composition. In other words you are looking for less fat and more muscle. Our prescription will definitely combine Strength and Aerobic training. So primarily exercising to address one preoccupation the trainee will  improve two other aspects: strength performance and cardio endurance. Knowing that a big lack of flexibility will limit strength and cardio exercises this aspect will not be neglected either. And so on… As Personal Trainers our approach in this example case will also integrate nutrition consultation and follow-up, as a crucial part of the  personal training sessions (included in the price).


In our eyes nutrition consultation = communication + education. For long term results, knowledge has to be taught to the trainee who will have to integrate step by step the change in order to build his/her own healthy habits and keep them forever. That is the goal. There is no miracle in this department. It is all about what you eat. There is no magic pill. We don’t believe neither in the common concept of dieting (generally defined as a short term drastic effort it generates too much frustration and causes yoyo phenomenon). This said, we encourage in some weight loss cases a serious jump start. But it has to be only considered as an introduction – or a way to break through a plateau – immediately followed by reasonable and sustainable eating adjustments (in terms of quality and quantity).  Good quality supplementation will also help in conjunction – once again – of better eating habits.


We make sure to conduct each aspect of our personal training on a gradual and progressive manner (it should be clear for you now if you already surfed the site a little bit, lol) designing safe programs taking in consideration the health profile of our trainees. Variety is another important idea in our eyes, as long as it comes with proven efficiency. We won’t necessarily make you perform a biceps curl with your feet suspended from the ceiling because the last issue of ‘Hype Fitness’ says it’s good for the pump, but we’ll make sure you get your results and never feel bored with repetitive routines.


Most of the websites dedicated to Maitland Personal Trainers won’t give you any pricing information. Usually it is even impossible to get the info through a phone call. Let’s face it, it is usually related to selling tactics. It also gives latitude to charge according to “the mood of the day.”


Our rates are in line with the Darwin Fitness philosophy; the longer term agreements (3 months and more) come with the best price per session:

Personalized quotes cannot be delivered before a specific study of each trainee case. What is your starting point? Where do you want to be? When do you want to reach your goals? How often and how long can you workout? Etc. It’s a multiple individual parameters equation that has to be processed during a frank and cordial exchange. Since there is no accurate pre-formatted answer to the price question and because Personal Training is for a big part a matter of mutual trust and respect, we provide a full assessment and a free workout for each new potential trainee. This first contact and free trial isn’t linked to any buying obligation. It’s just an opportunity to make a choice with enough elements of appreciation.

Sign up for a free consultation with Maitland Personal Trainer Jean-Sebastien and get one workout for free at our Private Training gym! 

*NCCA uses a peer reviewed process to:  establish accreditation standards; evaluate compliance with the standards; recognize organizations/programs which demonstrate compliance; and serve as a resource on quality certification.  Certification organizations that subit their programs for accreditation are evaluated based on the process and products, not the content, and are therefore applicable to all professions and industries.



Maitland Personal Trainer | Private Personal Training gym near Winter Park / Orlando. Specialties include youth training, weight loss, golf and sports conditioning. Contact us to get started! 

Darwin Fitness Offers Top Ranked Personal Training to the Winter Park Community Since 2012